Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Restaurant Quarter Machine Cuteness

via BlackBerry


Mike said...

What the hell are those things?

Hit 40 said...

Adam is addicted to gumball machine toys. Especially sticky hands.

Sharon Rose said...

Otin, those are snuffaluffalumps. . . .

rxBambi said...

very cute! I haven't had to buy that crap in a long time!

btw- just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my last post. Your email isn't attached...

Medora said...

Email is visible now - had no idea it wasn't before.

I hate those sticky hands - I was worried that these were sticky, but they aren't. They are pencil toppers. My dad thought they were from Bob the Builder. My dad is Bob, so he likes all things Bob, except Bob in What About Bob?

Stacy Uncorked said...

Princess Nagger loves stuff like that...of course she always wants to get specific ones from those machines, but ends up getting something's a no-win situation unless there are all the same/similar type things. (grin!!) :)

Ice Queen said...

They look like they would be perfect bubble bath companions.