For those of you as outraged as I am over the rabbit drowning incident - the girl is facing criminal charges for animal cruelty. The humane society in our area is pushing for prosecution, and their investigation revealed that she was acting on her own. Petland, however, revoked the franchise and the store will not reopen. The animals were taken to other Petland stores in the area.
Like Eileen, we got our pets at shelters - actually, our cat was from a shelter showing their animals at Petsmart; and the other one, Lucy, is my parents' cat, which came from the vet's office, which was showing shelter animals for adoption. My older chinchilla, Betty, came from a pet store that is independently owned - I know the owner from a needlework guild to which I belong, and she is a great person. They care for their animals personally and are in the store every day. The cats they sell are cats that are found on the property, strays or dumped animals, often litters of kittens. They get them their shots and vet care, and charge only what is necessary to cover the cost. Our younger chinchilla, Bella, came from a breeder who adored her chins. Unfortunately, she could not keep up with them and had to sell them to a larger breeder, who now provides our chin food. Dawn chose to sell them instead of allowing them to get sick or starve, although she lost money on the deal, I'm sure.
Sharon guessed the general - I took the picture myself in Clarksburg, West Virginia, home of Stonewall Jackson and my grandpa. My mom lived there until she was eleven. I was there for an academic conference in March and had to snap a photo. He was a true tactical genius - the city is very proud of him.
I took this photo this morning before leaving for work. For the record, I sleep in that bed too. With the B, and at least one cat. We're pretty cozy, you could say.
Sharon is such a team player!! I need her where I work to straighten out the conservative christians who hate gays.
You definitely have wild kingdom going at your house.
That bunny girl is a bitch, she should go to jail!
Hit 40, that is something I am working on in my city right now! Call me, tell me where you are and I will be right there!
That is some cozy sleeping!
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