More of my parents' flowers for Eileen. As my dad says, it's getting close to the end now, so I wanted to catch the last of them for her. I also wanted to show off my mom - she is and always has been, just too pretty to be related to me. I look like my dad. Oh, and there's Lucy, too. Always can do with more cat pics with this crowd.
Nothing for me??? Who is the hot chick with the dark shirt? :)
I love kitty with her rubber duckie. How cute. and are those Black Eyed Susans? always a fav
Is that cake? If so, it looks delicious! If not, then shame on you for putting up a picture of something that looks so delicious I'm about to go bake!
Yes, it's cake, but I didn't make it. It was for my grandma's 81st birthday - she didn't make it past 79, but we've had a party for her the last two years. She'd yell at my mom and me for using her birthday as an excuse to eat cake. I did get on the treadmill as soon as I got home.
The cake looks excellent. I would guess the acme??? Your mom is looking great. Good for all of you partying together. If I ever get the stick outta my mom's ass, we shall party too.
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