My brother and I refer to our parents as "The Parental Figures." It may seem impersonal but it isn't meant to be so. I'm not sure how it came to pass that we called them this; we aren't allowed to call them by their first names - they are Mom and Dad - so maybe that was our way of having some freedom in how we address them. Although we don't call them that to their faces, so maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about. The pair of them turn 64 this week, so we hung out at their house yesterday to scream at the race - don't get me started - and I bought vats of unhealthy food for us to eat. Yes, I spend considerable time on the treadmill when I came home last night.
Anyone else doing the Nanowrimo thing this month? I did it the last two years, won it last year, and had a blast. I'll sleep when I'm dead.
Are you going to post your winning story for us? I imagine that it is on your other blog??
She says that she loves me and then hides a blog from me!
I didn't hide the other blog - I've mentioned it many times, and have the feed in the upper left corner of my page. No, Eileen, I won't be posting my novel anywhere, so don't hold your breath!
Like we'd read it anyway! nananana!
You WON Nanowrimo last year? You WON??? I am humbled in your presence... :) I might try to do it next year, my brain is too mushy this year... :)
Your parents are the same age as my parents are!! Well, my mom anyway - she turned 64 this past July - My dad turned 65 this past March. :)
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