Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Baby is 18!

I can't believe my son is 18 today. He came along while I was still working on my bachelor's degree, was unmarried, and rather unfocused as to how my life was going. Many people said - and some still do - that I should not have had him. Too much responsibility, too much money, too much time and effort - all reasons why I should not have a baby at 22, before finishing school and getting married. There was never a question as to whether I would have him or not - there was a reason - or many - why he was sent my way when he was, and while it has not been an easy ride, especially with the 'autism' effect, I can't imagine my life without him.


Hit 40 said...

Wow!!! He has really grown up. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sharon Rose said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome son! And hats off to a wonderful mother!

Mike said...

What a special post!

Jack and Kernel said...

Woof Woof!!! We had trouble following. We'll return later.