Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grandpa's Girl

She looks just like my dad, and just like my dad, she is psyched about the race next Tuesday at Sharon. We will get to watch our boy Tony race, in person, for the first time!

Tomorrow my baby turns 18. I feel like I just had him . . . will post old-timey pics tomorrow. Hit 40 may recognize them. I should post some from her wedding, which took place six weeks after I had him. I was in it, too. Off my rocker, I tell you. Ha ha ha.

Glad Hit 40 likes my cat pics. Maybe that will keep her off my back for awhile.

via BlackBerry


darsden said...

LOL ya gotta watch hit 40 I am telling you! They are cute pictures love the first one..lol

Your daughter is adorable and fantasitc about your son..happy birthday to him..they grow sooo fast soooo soon!

darsden said...

yea how about the new kid on the block 19 winning this past weekend...Ya know Jeff Gordon, has to be saying WTF...! :P

darsden said...

and I beat hit 40...hahahahaha

Medora said...

I can't believe you beat her - I mean, some of us work and have a life, but she literally sits at the computer leaving strange and undecipherable comments on blogs all day and night. You are really on the ball today.

Joey Logano is a good kid, and I love Coach Gibbs, and Joey is driving the 20 - Tony's car for the past ten years - so it's all good. It was cool to see Tony and his old crew chief Zippy together when Tony went over to congratulate Zippy and Joey. One big happy family at JGR - old and new.

Jeff Gordon is a candyass.

Hit 40 said...

I was tutoring a child who is in college. I didn't take any $$$. I told her to wait to see if she passes. This is her third try at the class. The first try doing it with a tutor....

it will be an uphill battle!!! I don't want to take their $$$ if she flunks again. I would feel horrible. The poor girl is missing the logic gene.

Probably no pics of me :-( Sorry. I check my site widget everyday to make sure no one is looking at my site that is local. I would have to start a new blog if my students found me.

Hit 40 said...

...and the picture is absolutely beautiful. She is a heart stopper!!!!

Hit 40 said...

And OMG!!! We do have the exact same colored cats!!!!!!!! FREAKY!!!

Medora said...

I wouldn't post any pics of you, Hit - I know you don't want anyone to see who you are. It'll just be me and my randomness.

Mike said...

Hit 40 is always lurking! Hanging out in the shadows, waiting to pounce! LOL!

Hit 40 said...

Thank you :-)