Our bathroom library has been carefully selected by moi. And my kids, of course . . . we share some of the same tastes and interests, particularly in cats. Our books include:
Disapproving Rabbits (rabbits who don't like your behavior - or your existence)
Stuff on My Cat (inspiration for my own escapades in this sport)
Obama's Blackberry (most recent acquisition, I was in tears laughing at Borders over it)
Stuff White People Like (they have a website, too - oh, so does Stuff on My Cat and Disapproving Rabbits)
Bad Cat (probably the favorite, can't beat it - cat lovers must see this book, I am not kidding)
Brides Behaving Badly (trippy redneck fun! - oh, speaking of which, I love My Big Redneck Wedding on CMT - fine family fun. Or not)
Zobmondo (weird quizzes, etc.)
Thoughts of Chairman Miaow (kitty in charge!)
The guy with the dirty t-shirt stopped by the morning and proudly announced, "I am not wearing an obscene t-shirt today!" He smiled like a naughty child and I couldn't help but laugh. I love old men.
I think ya'll spend a lot of time in the bathroom.. wha cha been feeding the kid and yourself..bawhahaha...
I have tried on your face book and now here I cannot make out what crack head..I mean obama's blackberry says
We don't have ONE book in our bathroom...I dont want any loiter time in there on la can. LOL.
Yea Yea Yea, who won the race today! I was going to watch yesterday but the damned weather is killing the sport!!!!!
How many times do I need to stop by until I get an answer???LOL!
Tony Stewart Won Otin... Jeff Gordon almost died in a car wreck..it was bad... nascar.com you can see the wreck...amazing they walked away
Listen Medora! I could go to Nascar.com, but that would mean that I would have one less chance to see your smiling face!!!:)
dang Otin that wasn't Medora...it was me... stomping out now..good day.. I said good day mullet head
A bathroom library!!! Just a riot.
Hit 40? WTF are you talkin' about, we are talking Nascar here! LOL!
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