Saturday, August 8, 2009

License Plate Report, Part 2

So it isn't the plate this time, but the frame.

via BlackBerry


Ice Queen said...

Why would someone keep that on their car? They must have wanted to provide entertainment for the blogosphere...that's the only reason I can come up with.

darsden said...

LOL ;-)

darsden said...

Okay you know I tried to go see..but it is not opening...says it doesn't exist or is damaged ..hummm

Mike said...

Dorkette! LMAO!!!!!

Sharon Rose said...

Well. . . it looks like Henry is so happy he has a website about it. . . . !

Hit 40 said...

I also tried to find his site with no luck!! I always mean to write down these random websites that I see on cars for fun to look them up when I get home. I never remember.