Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday Boa

Ready for church in my lovely green boa.
via BlackBerry


Mike said...

You need to go to church and pray for tony stewart!

Mike said...

Nothing bad happened to him except for him having a sucky race! Why do you watch Nascar anyway? You are a girl! LOL!

darsden said...

LOL...funny and cute picture.

Otin-something about a man in a uniform I am guessing..WHY that man is what I am wondering! Ha

rxBambi said...

Very cute picture!! All kitties need boas :)

Hit 40 said...

Mr. Pepper used to let us pose him in pictures! My current cats would never sit still for these type of shenanigans.

Liz Mays said...

She kinda reminds me of my daughter's cat!

Mike said...

What is the matter, couldn't you find another animal to dress in little silly clothes? Can't you come up with another post?