There is a Which Little Debbie Snack Cake Are You? quiz on Facebook. Of course I thought of Michel. I am an oatmeal creme pie - I love those! This is what it says: Oatmeal Pie: You are honest and hardworking. People can set their clock by you. Your dependable and you don't like change. Your a if it's not broke don't fix it type person. Your not fake. Your true to yourself no matter who your around.
Why aren't we FB friends? I'm gonna see if I can locate this quiz?
I hope Michel visits here . . . this is cute. . .
LMAO!! I am picturing what a cream pie is on a porn site! I could picture you as a cream pie! :)
I am more of a hostess cupcake person. Or, ho ho
Love the metro leaf mascot!! We spend the BIG bucks in Akron!!!
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