Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Little Debbie Quiz

There is a Which Little Debbie Snack Cake Are You? quiz on Facebook. Of course I thought of Michel. I am an oatmeal creme pie - I love those! This is what it says: Oatmeal Pie: You are honest and hardworking. People can set their clock by you. Your dependable and you don't like change. Your a if it's not broke don't fix it type person. Your not fake. Your true to yourself no matter who your around.


Carol Murdock said...

Why aren't we FB friends? I'm gonna see if I can locate this quiz?

Sharon Rose said...

I hope Michel visits here . . . this is cute. . .

Kandi said...

LMAO!! I am picturing what a cream pie is on a porn site! I could picture you as a cream pie! :)

Hit 40 said...

I am more of a hostess cupcake person. Or, ho ho


Love the metro leaf mascot!! We spend the BIG bucks in Akron!!!