Okay, so I thought Professor Dumbledore was gay - oh, wait, that's not a real person, that's a character in a children's series who, for some reason, needed his sexuality clearly defined, because we all know that eight year olds are concerned about the sex lives of the characters they read. Dumbledore's real life as Michael Gambon is clearly heterosexual, defined by two young sons with his mistress, the latest a newborn, and a middle aged son with his wife,
who apparently has no problem with her husband's second family. Huh? Does the woman not have a sharp pair of scissors with which to cut the man's testicles from his body?

[Here is the B, in what we like to call the "what gun permit?" stance. She will have no trouble whatsoever dealing with male infidelity.]
Random rabidness at my 'real' blog.
Thank you for the in the closet/out of the closet update!!!
I've read the books and saw the movies and never even considered if he was gay or not...
Why did Rowling have to say anything about her characters' sexuality? Whatever . . . publicity stunt.
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