Just returned from the pool where I saw a huge number of women (not teenage girls) reading Twilight or one of the sequels. Last summer - okay. But still? For more of my thoughts on the TP, see here.
[This is Lucy, loving my daughter's Littlest Pet Shop collection. For those of you without a daughter, these little plastic bits and pieces feel like Hot Wheels cars when you step on them, which you inevitably do in the middle of the night when you get up to visit the bathroom]
Too funny! Michel loves Twilight. As do a lot of other bloggers...
you know that I do not read fiction. I will watch the movie.
I read the first book because all my daughters were raving. I was kinda "eennhh" about it. I read the whole thing, but then told them I wouldn't read the sequels. Too much teenage angst for me.
Although I have to say that I was into Harry Potter before it ever became popular. I thought the first couple books were fantastic. Then I just got bored with it. That Halloween I was Harry Potter and everone thought I was either Judge Judy or a choir singer and I gave up. The following year Harry was everywhere. Oh well, I never liked being a follower...
I have never read the Twilight series. However, I have certainly stepped on my share of Hotwheels cars at 3am on my way to the bathroom!
By the way, I have left something for you at my place if you choose to accept the challenge.
Thanks, Pastor Sharon - I will catch up with that after my desk time here at work.
Bambi - you were HP and everyone thought you were Judge Judy? Do you have pics?
Eileen - the movie was okay, possibly better than the book, which was not good at all. Does that make any sense?
I haven't gotten sucked into the whole Twilight thing yet... :)
THAT's what the Littlest Pet Shop toys feel like when you step on them in the middle of the night...you are SO right! :)
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