Last night at work a man came in and asked for books on 'knot tying' for his son, who is a Boy Scout and wants to practice for a badge. I had a vague idea where such books might be (600s?) but thought I would make use of technology and typed 'knot tying' in the catalog as a keyword search. My surprise at the results must have been evident, because the man asked "what?" before I could tell him what was on the screen in front of me.
Twelve books on gay marriage. Yep, that's right. For some ungodly reason, the catalog read 'knot tying' as marriage, and took another step to specify 'gay marriage.' I knew that this was not what the poor man wanted, so I fooled around with the search a bit and walked him over the the shelf and the books. Before he left he wanted to know, really, what was on the screen, because I hadn't told him when he asked the first time.
I told him. He was cracking up all through the checkout process and out the door.
[Photo: my daughter is in the tiara. These are the neighbor boys, who cross dress rather well, don't you think?]
LOL!! Sounds like a fun day at work. I think I could do your job!!!! So much better than trying to make math sound fun to teenagers.
THIS is exactly why you use GOOGLE and not the dewey decimal system!!!
Google never has upsetting search results.
Maybe they were the books that he really was looking for! LOL!
I know that you would go camping, you don't fool me! How about in the infield at Daytona! LOL! In a motor home even!
Funny and totally awkward for that situation. Sounds like it was a good day at work.
No camping, Otin - I would hang out infield at any track, but I'd climb into Tony Stewart's motorhome at night and wait for him in bed.
Sharon - it's always a good day at work. I am so fortunate to have a job I love with great people and an excellent boss.
Hit 40 - go back to school and get your library science degree and work with me, that would be too fun!
Michel - Google has come up with really nasty results, so even I use the safe search now. Icky icky icky - I won't even explain.
Love that! Knots! ahaha! That gave me a great early-morning-before-class laugh!
Oh... that is a tempting idea. I am growing very tired of the math grind.
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