Monday, June 8, 2009

Strange Likes

I adore Sheldon on Big Bang Theory - and I am crazy about the narrator of the Powerpuff Girls. His sarcasm is so hot.


Hit 40 said...

WTF is that pile of hair? A cat, a gerbil, a rat??

I ASSume this is your youngest sweetie holding the rat?

Medora said...

Yes, she is mine - both are. The furry bit is one of our chinchillas - I think it is Betty. Bella is a nervous mouse, so we don't hold her as much.

Mike said...

You put up with her for 35 years? lol! I can say anything to her, she still loves me hahaha!

Hit 40 said...

I saw you over at Otin's nice!!

Hit 40 said...

This had a list of books. Not like you need to read another list? But I thought you might like it.

Everyone always thinks that I want to do math!!! NO!!!!

rxBambi said...

Hi Medora - Hit 40 sent me here. I love sheldon. I love nerdy republicans (I think it was Michel that said it first). I think youre going to think my book list is pretty pedestrian, but they make me happy.
Your daughter looks so cute with

Mike said...

woohooo! Party at Medoras!

Medora said...

Sure thing - stop over anytime. Small apartment, two kids, two chinchillas, two cats, books and art supplies piled everywhere - if you can find a spot, have a seat, some Kool Aid, and play some XBox.

Medora said...

Oh, I love nerdy Republicans, too. I have a picture of President Reagan on my desk at work.